Dr. Lionel Fatton
Dr. Lionel P. Fatton was a Swiss journalist who worked for the Japanese news Agency Kyodo between 2011 and 2021, covering the U.N. Geneva and specialized UN agencies with an emphasis on conflicts, humanitarian issues and human rights. He was ACANU member (2011 - 2022) and member of its executive committee (2019- 2021).
He is currently Assistant Professor of International Relations at Webster University Geneva and Research Fellow at the Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, Meiji University, Tokyo. His research interest lies in international and security dynamics in East and Southeast Asia, China-Japan-US relations, Japan’s & China’s foreign/security policy, Neoclassical Realism and civil-military relations. During his career he received several awards and qualifications:
He is the author of several publications, among others: - Japan’s Rush to the Pacific War: The Institutional Roots of Overbalancing - Japan’s Awakening: Moving Toward an Autonomous Security Policy - Understanding Preventive Wars: Lessons from Pearl Harbor In addition to articles in: International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Contemporary Security Policy, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Le Rubicon, The Diplomat, The National Interest, East Asia Forum, Policy Forum, Global Observatory and others. |