Rules and Procedures
The ACANU Committee, on behalf of members of the Association of United Nations Correspondents in Geneva, routinely hosts meetings with the press for individuals or organizations from outside the United Nations. To propose a briefing, please send your request using the registration form below.
ACANU's Meetings with the Press are subject to the following rules and procedures:
ACANU's Meetings with the Press are subject to the following rules and procedures:
- Organisations granted an ACANU meeting with the press may not announce it, and may not represent it as an appearance or briefing at the UN or organised by the UN. They shall not use the event for any purpose other than to brief and inform ACANU members about their issues.
- ACANU is the only organisation permitted to publicise the meetings with the press, which are for ACANU members only.
- ACANU will notify members of a proposed meeting but will only proceed with arranging it if the ACANU Committee is satisfied there is sufficient membership interest in attending.
- All meetings with the press are held in the Library of Press Room 2 unless otherwise stated. Speakers are advised to show up at least 10 minutes before the start of their briefing.
- Meetings with the press are restricted to ACANU members and four representatives of the participant organisations.
- Only ACANU members are permitted to film or photograph at these meetings. Any exceptions must have prior approval from the ACANU Committee.
- Tweeting, Facebook posting, live streaming about the content of the briefing during the briefing are not allowed.
- Participants without UN badges are responsible for obtaining a visitor badge to access the Palais des Nations. Participants are advised to pick up their badges no later than half an hour before a meeting to allow for any delays. A lengthy delay may result in the cancellation of the meeting. If sufficient notice is given, ACANU may help facilitate badges by forwarding names of those requiring them to the UN security at Pregny Gate.
- Organisations should limit the number of speakers to a maximum of three, and the format should allow for adequate time for journalists to ask questions. Meetings normally last up to an hour.
- Requests for meetings should be received by the ACANU Committee at least three working days in advance of the event, and are contingent on the availability of an ACANU Committee member to host the event. Participants are advised that last-minute cancellations can occur if the ACANU Committee member host becomes unavailable.
- Participants are responsible for acquainting themselves with these rules. In the event of non-compliance, the ACANU Committee reserves the right to cancel a meeting.
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